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XsitePro2 Is it Worth It? HELL YES!

Anybody who builds websites knows that it can be very time-consuming especially people who try to make a living online. The main objective is to build as many good quality sites as possible and in as little as little time as possible. The problem with using Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage is it's not time efficient who really cares about pretty graphics anymore. Pretty graphics is not going to get you a big paycheck from Google ad sense.

What gets you a big paycheck is a lot of high quality sites that are resourceful to the user agent. This is why hate Dreamweaver and FrontPage when I'm trying to monetize adsense. I've been full-time employed by Google ad sense for about three years. How I do this as I build at least two sites a week using XsitePro. The reason Pro is so great is because it already has hundreds of pre designed templates available. People who visit websites because of their looks. It's because the website provides some kind of useful information to the user. If you look at all the most popular websites in the world most have a very simple design. The reason for this is because they want the website to be fast people don't like waiting on a page to load to see pretty graphics this is meaningless. People use Internet as a tool to find information.

By utilizing Xsitepro I'm able to make resource for websites to my visitors. Your main objective as an Adsense affiliate is to make money. That's the beauty of Exide Pro. You can literally make two websites a day. I use Dreamweaver for about a month before I found the Xsitepro2 I can promise you this so never go back. Dreamweaver is great if you're being employed to design a website for a company that has special needed features. Don't get me wrong you can add anything to Xsitepro sides that you can put aside those made by Dreamweaver but that's not our objective here. Our objective is to pump out as many sites that will attract traffic so we can make money. I studied tons of Dreamweaver tutorials and its not worth the effort if your main objective is to make money.

XsitePro2 has a built in FTP function so there's no need to even use filezilla. It has a Google map generator a site map generator, a robot.txt generator, SEO analysis, social networking function that generates links specifically for social networking sites. It has XML syndication that generates an XML version of your website. This is awesome because you can upload your XML site map to Google in seconds. I
t also has a built-in function for easily implementing audio and video on your website. Except Pro is not the kind of program you want for a blog a forum, pretty design themes like WordPress Joomla or Mambo. But if your objective is to build and manage websites that can generate revenue through adsense and this is exactly what you want. It's great for building squeeze pages and a mailing list or if you want to build a virtual real estate site. All in all Xsitepro2 is awesome for monetizing ad sense